Pixomatic Pro Update

December 10, 2018

Hey guys, Haven't seen in a while. Quick update for Pixomatic Pro — for the past months we added a bunch of new features and I would like to share them with you 🙂 Check the Pixomatic Pro in the App Store! Alex

Pixomatic New Features

August 24, 2016

Hey guys, Quick update for future Pixomatic's release — new color scheme, more iOS'ish albums view and Store where you can buy bunch of photos for your mega projects. Cheers.

Pixomatic [Available in the App Store]

June 10, 2016

Hey guys, I helped my friends for Pixomatic to do a redesign their cool app. It's #1 photo app in 76 countries in App Store now. Go and download it ;) Cheers!

Pixomatic Redesign

April 19, 2016

Hey, I'm working on Pixomatic redesign.

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Alexander Zaytsev