Resin App Icons Process

August 04, 2020

Recently I thought it would be fun to reimagine app icons - but in my style. That means lots of color and tactile. Then entire process was

Resin App Icon

August 03, 2020

Recently I thought it would be fun to reimagine app icons - but in my style. That means lots of color and tactile. Then entire process was

Resin App Icons

July 30, 2020

Recently I thought it would be fun to reimagine app icons - but in my style. That means lots of color and tactile. Then entire process was

Resin App Store Icon

July 29, 2020

Recently I thought it would be fun to reimagine app icons - but in my style. That means lots of color and tactile. Then entire process was

Resin Messaging App Icon

July 28, 2020

Recently I thought it would be fun to reimagine app icons - but in my style. That means lots of color and tactile.

Resin App Icons

July 26, 2020

Recently I thought it would be fun to reimagine app icons - but in my style. That means lots of color and tactile. Then entire process was

App Store Icon Reimagined

July 23, 2020

Alright, you folks aren't the only ones getting all the fun of redesigning app icons. !!! and I just realized the A is upside down. whoops. It's the thing you didn't know you need.