1. home page design - Figma blur gradient dark gradient background header home home page macbook mockup ui ux visuals web design website
    View home page design - Figma
    home page design - Figma
  2. Modern Card Design - Unique techniques and positioning box box design branding button concept card card design edge icon modern modern button modern concept modern graphics modern layuout new concept purple rectangle graphics ui uiux unique unique button design
    View Modern Card Design - Unique techniques and positioning
    Modern Card Design - Unique techniques and positioning
  3. A Snapshot from Gofrontend.com Web Design | Header & Hero 3d animation branding clean concept dark dark mode dribbble showcase graphic design logo motion graphics new concept section solar system ui ux web web design
    View A Snapshot from Gofrontend.com Web Design | Header & Hero
    A Snapshot from Gofrontend.com Web Design | Header & Hero
  4. Job Portal Landing Page Design branding corporate website creative designshowcase figma figma ui job portal job portal website modern section showcase ui ux web design
    View Job Portal Landing Page Design
    Job Portal Landing Page Design
  5. Job Portal - Landing Page branding clean clean ui job finding job portal popular typography ui uiux ux web design
    View Job Portal - Landing Page
    Job Portal - Landing Page
  6. GreatBuy — Refurbished tech trading website branding e commerce landing page figma landing page online shopping refurbished tech trend typography ui ux web design website concept
    View GreatBuy — Refurbished tech trading website
    GreatBuy — Refurbished tech trading website
  7. E-commerce Landing page branding clean e commerce green theme landingpage popular tech website ui uidesign uiux web design
    View E-commerce Landing page
    E-commerce Landing page
  8. E-commerce Landing page design - Hero Section branding dark green theme e commerce graphic design hero section landing page laptop mockup mockup ui ui update uiux ux web design
    View E-commerce Landing page design - Hero Section
    E-commerce Landing page design - Hero Section
  9. Testimonials Section — UI Design adobe photoshop branding creative design creative ui design inspiration dribbbleshowcase figma design interactivedesign latest modern ui photoshop photoshop ui photoshop ui design popular section section ui ui uiux ux web design
    View Testimonials Section — UI Design
    Testimonials Section — UI Design
  10. Service Section - Corporate website design adobe photoshop branding corporate website creativewebdesign designshowcase dribbbleshowcase interactivedesign modernui photoshop photoshop ui section service section service ui uiinspiration uiux webdesign webdevelopment
    View Service Section - Corporate website design
    Service Section - Corporate website design
  11. Client Testimonials Slider UI - Interactive Testimonial branding brandlogos carousel clientfeedback clientsatisfaction customerreviews designinspiration designtrends feedback interactive reviews slider testimonial uidesign userexperience userinterface uxdesign webdesign webdevelopment
    View Client Testimonials Slider UI - Interactive Testimonial
    Client Testimonials Slider UI - Interactive Testimonial
  12. About Us Section - Photoshop UI about section about us about us ui clean clean ui design dribbbleshowcase innovation photoshop photoshopmagic top ui unique webdesign
    View About Us Section - Photoshop UI
    About Us Section - Photoshop UI
  13. Testimonial Section UI Design - Photoshop design dribbbleshowcase innovation photoshop photoshopmagic testimonials ui webdesign
    View Testimonial Section UI Design - Photoshop
    Testimonial Section UI Design - Photoshop
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