Hay Depot - Watercolor

July 31, 2019

Color up in this base, bringing some life.

Hey! It's a hay depot.

July 31, 2019

If that's a thing. Not thrilled on this composition. Could have used a more isometric angle or something, but my main goal is finish drawings. Watercolor might add a bit more life to this one.

Burn The Ships

July 25, 2019

Ever hit a turning point in life? I mean a real one; not just a New Year's, 'less donuts this year, ole chap'. I mean a time where you must stare yourself down in the mirror, and accept what is true, rather than a mansion built on comfor...

Slightly Awkward Cabin

July 22, 2019

Another little building from my sketch book. Here, obviously I was trying to exaggerate lines and shapes a little, just to make things a bit more fun.

Ultimate Small-Batch Distillery - Detail

July 22, 2019

My favorite bits of this drawing are the window panes, and the roof of the little shed on the side.

Ultimate Small-Batch Distillery - Colored

July 22, 2019

Watercolor pass on the previous sketch.

Ultimate Small-Batch Distillery

July 22, 2019

So, let's say you could build your own distillery any way you like.