Bondspark Report

August 15, 2019

Designed a report for buyers seeing what they can afford, this includes full transparency on how these values are calculated and how you can improve what you can afford

New Bondspark Features

June 29, 2019

Decided to compile a shot of some of the new things we're bringing to the website in the next few months, check it out at

Bondspark Website v2

June 03, 2019

Wanted to bring some of that collage style of Bondspark into the website homepage, it's a bit tight but I think it works.

Bondspark Application Wizard

May 20, 2019

I had to wait to post this shot until our product went live (can't give away our secrets) — but here it is!! 🚀🚀🚀 The easiest online application for a home loan is SA, you can check it out at Let me know what you think! 🏴

Bondspark Email Signature

January 31, 2019

Designing for email signatures is perhaps one of the most unconsidered fields in communication design. Here's a good ol' minimal email signature for a current project I'm working on. 💌💌

Bondspark Email Templates

January 04, 2019

✉️✉️✉️ Designing an automated email template can sometimes feel like putting together a whole design system 💌 but emails can be a powerful medium for delighting your audience and keeping them informed at all times, especially when applyi...

Bondspark FAQ

December 26, 2018

Working on an FAQ page can sometimes be boring but that doesn't mean the design has to be. 👨🏻‍💻for this project we decided to create something eye-catching that would entice the user to interact with it. By drawing the user's attention ...

Bondspark Calculators

December 26, 2018

A big part of the home loan journey is understanding what you can afford and what your monthly repayments will be – being such a popular feature with banks, coming up with something innovative was rather difficult. Here's our take on a h...

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Zandre Coetzer