Flow map diagram with expandable chat details

June 25, 2021

Hi guys 👋! Do you want to know how to boost conversational platform operation 🤔? Nothing is impossible with a flow diagram 🥰. How does it work? The view below presents the comprehensive information for each step of the conversation fl...

Flow diagram for chatbot and process automation

June 24, 2021

Hi folks 👋! Today we present the simple, yet eye-catching flow diagram built for the chatbot 💬 ecosystem. It is simply the conversation scenario, that depicts the chat flow. The arrows indicate the possible chat directions, depending on...

Low-code chatbot design for processes automation

June 22, 2021

Hello guys 👋! Building complex conversational 💬 systems can be challenging. Take a look at the visual tool that enables creating the chatbots 🤝 ecosystem. What is absolutely great about it - you just need minimal to zero knowledge of...

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