1. Real Estate Web Service airbnb apartment design house properties property real estate realestate realtor rent site ui ux web design web service website
    View Real Estate Web Service
    Real Estate Web Service
  2. Redesign Microsoft Azure admin admin panel azure cloud dashboard design machine learning microsoft microsoft azure redesign ui ux web web design
    View Redesign Microsoft Azure
    Redesign Microsoft Azure
  3. App of marketplace NFT for gamers app app design application blockchain collections crypto crypto app design marketplace mobile mobile app mobile design nft nft app nft market nft marketplace non fungible token token ui ux
    View App of marketplace NFT for gamers
    App of marketplace NFT for gamers
  4. App for online appointment to the doctor app app design application clinic consultation design disease doctor doctors health healthcare healthtech medical medicine medtech mobile mobile app mobile design ui ux
    View App for online appointment to the doctor
    App for online appointment to the doctor
  5. 📚Mobile onboarding online education app application children course design e learning edtech education ios learn minimal mobile mobile app online school onlineeducation study ui design user interface
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    📚Mobile onboarding online education
  6. Landing page for IT LAND Landing Design Hackathon design figma hackathon itland landing page ui vector web website
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    Landing page for IT LAND Landing Design Hackathon
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