BabyCam - Baby Sleep Monitor - Timeline

November 05, 2018

Last shot from Baby Sleep Monitor project. This time just a little timeline interaction which is a zoom to give parents a bit more detailed information.

BabyCam - Baby Sleep Monitor - Screens 3

October 29, 2018

Subscription screens from the Baby Monitor project. The live sleeping diagram was meant to be a paid feature, so we had to create a way to offer it to our users and show how it works once it's enabled in the app.

BabyCam - Baby Sleep Monitor - Screens 2

October 25, 2018

Few more pieces from the Baby Monitor project.

BabyCam - Baby Sleep Monitor

October 22, 2018

Switching from social media analytics tools and apps for Fitness trainers to parenting was quite fun. I enjoyed that ride with dev team at Goodbaby.

Available for new projects

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Filip Prochazka