File explorer for Inevio

September 21, 2015

Hi there! I'm glad to show you the new file explorer for Inevio. It still needs some work so feel free to give me some feedback. Thanks :) Real pixels in the attachments

Email app

January 10, 2015

---Real pixels in the attachments--- Hi guys, hope you're all doing well. I'm glad to show you all a project I've been working for a while now. Inevio's new email app. Keep in mind that this is not the final version. If you have some t...

Preferences Panel

July 08, 2014

---Real Pixels at @2x--- Hi there! I hope you like the Preferences Panel I made. It's an old design but I think it still looks pretty sweet. What do you think? Please leave some Feedback :)

File Types

July 06, 2014

Just some clean file type icons I made for weeZeel. Check @2x for real pixels.

Music Player

July 05, 2014

Hi there! A simple music player for a project I'm working on. Check @2x for real pixel. Cheers :)

weeZeel Website

July 03, 2014

---Full preview in the attachments--- Hi there! I'm exited to show you a preview of the new weeZeel website. It's still in development but the design it's almost finished. Any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Octavian Rosca