1. Music definition iphone language music ui ux
    View Music definition
    Music definition
  2. Chinese version is out! apps chinese icon ios ui
    View Chinese version is out!
    Chinese version is out!
  3. Put a dent in the universe of words bold iphone photo photography typography ui
    View Put a dent in the universe of words
    Put a dent in the universe of words
  4. Submit cover photo for words, phrases and sentences bold iphone photo photography typography ui
    View Submit cover photo for words, phrases and sentences
    Submit cover photo for words, phrases and sentences
  5. Four modes: Object, Object+, Text and Landmark camera dark dictionary icon ios language ui
    View Four modes: Object, Object+, Text and Landmark
    Four modes: Object, Object+, Text and Landmark
  6. Object translation for places bold photo photography typography ui
    View Object translation for places
    Object translation for places
  7. Object translation - detailed mode camera dark icon ios ui
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  8. Gallery
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  9. The new result screen
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    The new result screen
  10. Take a photo to translate places app bold dark ios language typography ui ux
    View Take a photo to translate places
    Take a photo to translate places
  11. Take a photo to translate ios language photo translation typography ui ux
    View Take a photo to translate
    Take a photo to translate
  12. "How to" menu animation app bold dark ios language typography ui ux
    View "How to" menu
    "How to" menu
  13. You made a typo? language typography ui ux
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    You made a typo?
  14. Multilingualism apps blue bold design ios language translation ui ux
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  15. The Pink Shirt Day animation app bold ios language red typography ui ux
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    The Pink Shirt Day
  16. "May the force be with you" translation in Miss D creativity delight design emoji experience language star wars translation ui ux
    View "May the force be with you" translation in Miss D
    "May the force be with you" translation in Miss D
  17. "Star Wars" translation in Miss D app creativity delight design emoji experience language star wars translation ui ux
    View "Star Wars" translation in Miss D app
    "Star Wars" translation in Miss D app
  18. Simple gesture leads you to your bookmark screen accelerometer app bookmark gesture ios iphone minimal phone swipe ui ux
    View Simple gesture leads you to your bookmark screen
    Simple gesture leads you to your bookmark screen
  19. Accelerometer to the rescue - Miss D app accelerometer app bookmark gesture ios iphone minimal phone swipe ui
    View Accelerometer to the rescue - Miss D app
    Accelerometer to the rescue - Miss D app
  20. Miss D Bookmark List accelerometer app bookmark gesture ios iphone minimal phone swipe ui
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    Miss D Bookmark List
  21. Sentence and paragraph translation UI animation app bold dark ios language typography ui ux
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    Sentence and paragraph translation UI
  22. Miss D translation UI app bold colours dark gesture ios music swipe typography ui
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    Miss D translation UI
  23. Miss D - the BIG update app bold colours dark gesture ios music swipe typography ui
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    Miss D - the BIG update
  24. Miss D 4.2 is out! app cool creative fun gesture ios translation ui word
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    Miss D 4.2 is out!
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