Catharsis Blog Icons

April 28, 2016

Here are some icons I made to label a blog post with different categories.

Catharsis Staff Page

November 27, 2015

Here's a look at the staff page in action!

Catharsis is Live!

August 07, 2015

Excited to see this baby live! Catharsis is a company focused educating people on sexual assault prevention by using a combination of facts and humor. Actual pixels here:

Catharsis Modal

June 10, 2015

Here's a little modal that users would fill out to book a Catharsis program. Excited to add some animation to the input labels!

Catharsis Programs Page

May 18, 2015

Here's a look at one of the programs page I'm working on for Catharsis Productions' new site. Experimenting with a combination of photography and some custom illustrations.

Catharsis Productions College Page

April 24, 2015

Working on some mockups for Catharsis Productions this fine Friday. Catharsis is a company focused educating people on sexual assault prevention through the using a combination of facts and humor.

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