1. Glossy icons apple concept design figma glossy icons logo mcdonalds starbucks
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  2. KITH web site. UI challenge "UX Mind" concept design kith site ui user experience website
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  3. Armchairs modern design site. UI challenge "UX Mind" concept design furniture minimalism site ui webdesign
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    Armchairs modern design site. UI challenge "UX Mind"
  4. Uber driver profile. UI challenge "UX Mind" app concept design ios mobile profile taxi uber ui
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  5. Bernhard furniture design. UI challenge "UX Mind" concept design furniture hero site ui webdesign
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  6. Hero of Landing about AirPods Pro. UI challenge "UX Mind" airpods apple hero ui web design
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  7. Liqconsulting Landing page business concept design landing page ui user experience user interface ux web design work
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  8. Liqconsulting Landing page business company concept consulting design landing page organization ui user experience user interface ux web web design work
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  9. City of Arts and Sciences. Valencia / Website concept concept design ui user experience user interface ux website
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  12. FC Barcelona promo shop 21/22 concept design football promo shop shot ui user experience ux
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  13. Football App app design football mobile sport
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  14. Home Fitness mobile app concept app concept design fitness mobile sport ui user experience ux webdesign workout
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  16. "Corto Coffee" mobile app concept app coffeeshop design ios ios app design mobile mobile app design ui uiux user experience userinterface
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  18. "Corto Coffee" mobile app concept app coffeeapp coffeeshop concept design ios mobile mobile app ui uiux user experience userinterface ux
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  20. Social Media Dashboard concept dashboad dashboard design dashboard ui ui design ux design webdesign
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  21. Drake landing page concept concert design landing music rapper singer tickets toronto webdesign
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  22. Nike shop landing page cortez design landing nike shop webdesign
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