Closer in Lockdown | Poem Pages

June 11, 2020

Hey guys, Here's a peek at the other poem pages and photographs of my Closer in Lockdown project. And you can now find the case study on Behance

Closer in Lockdown | Landing

June 10, 2020

Hey guys, Still working on this side personal project associating photography+poetry. Here's the interaction and animation for the landing page where you can browse the different sets.

Closer in Lockdown | Rumi Serie

June 07, 2020

Hey so here's a closer look at this new quarantined side project of mine: Closer in Lockdown. The idea is to associate photography and poetry in a few different series/sets showcased on a website. Each set conveys a different emotion f...

Closer in Lockdown | Branding

June 06, 2020

Hey everyone, I've been working on a new photography and website concept this past week. It's not quite ready yet but here's a teaser.