JobHack - UI elements

January 08, 2018

Final part of case study - brief UI styleguide for JonHack v.3.0. Read about the project on Behance:

JobHack - Typography

January 07, 2018

Typography developed for JobHack: - challenges (lessons inside the course); - instagram posts; - banners and stats slides for pitch deck. Read about the project on Behance:

JobHack logo concept

December 29, 2017

Another part of case study. The first "reverse" identity in my career: at fist we created visual style and all elements and only then I saw a logo in one of elements. Read about the project on Behance:

JobHack challenges badge - sketches

December 26, 2017

Looking back to what was on my laptop few months ago: sketches of Fox badge. From upcoming case study: "The cornerstone of the concept is a set of five badges representing JobHack certification process. After completing each challenge p...

JobHack - case study

December 25, 2017

First part of the upcoming case study on JobHack new visual identity. The entire case study (in it's readable version) will be published on Behance soon. _________ Update: case study is already on Behance -

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Ira Nezhynska