1. Daily UI - #001 Sign up form dailyui dailyui001 design mobile mobile design plant plants plantsapp product design sign up signup signupform ui ui design user experience user interface
    View Daily UI - #001 Sign up form
    Daily UI - #001 Sign up form
  2. Emprendedoras en BerlĂ­n - Brand Identity Design branding corporate corporate branding corporate design corporate identity design graphic design illustration logo pattern product design vector visit card visiting card visiting card design
    View Emprendedoras en BerlĂ­n - Brand Identity Design
    Emprendedoras en BerlĂ­n - Brand Identity Design
  3. Language learning app - Splash and Sign up screens input field language app language learning learning app logo mobile app mobile app design mobile design mobile ui product design sign up sign up screen splash screen ui ui design uiux user experience user interface ux ux design
    View Language learning app - Splash and Sign up screens
    Language learning app - Splash and Sign up screens
  4. Learning app - Home screen app design home home screen illustrations language app language learning learning app mobile app design mobile design product design ui ui design user experience user interface ux ux design
    View Learning app - Home screen
    Learning app - Home screen
  5. Onboarding - Lenguage learning app app app design design game design illustration language app language learning learning app mobile app design mobile design product design ui ui design uidesign uiux user experience user interface ux ux design uxdesign
    View Onboarding - Lenguage learning app
    Onboarding - Lenguage learning app
  6. Language learning app - Game time app app design design design app game game design illustration language app language learning learning app learning platform mobile app design mobile design product design translate ui ui design user experience user interface ux
    View Language learning app - Game time
    Language learning app - Game time
  7. Language learning app - Game time design language app learning app mobile app design mobile design mobile ui product design ui ui design user experience user interface ux ux design uxui
    View Language learning app - Game time
    Language learning app - Game time
  8. Learning app - Profile and Settings app app design app ui colors illustration language app language learning learning app product design profile design settings settings ui ui ui design user experience user interface ux ux design
    View Learning app - Profile and Settings
    Learning app - Profile and Settings
  9. Wordly app - Collect new vocabulary function app collection color palette design flashcards illustration inclusive design inclusivity language app language learning learning app mobile app design mobile design mobile ui product design ui ui design user experience user interface ux
    View Wordly app - Collect new vocabulary function
    Wordly app - Collect new vocabulary function
  10. Desbandada - Corporate Identity brand brand design branding branding and identity card design corporate design corporate identity graphic design graphics icon identity design illustration logo logotype mockup pattern product design typography vector visual design
    View Desbandada - Corporate Identity
    Desbandada - Corporate Identity
  11. Desbandada - Brand Identity Design brand design brand identity branding corporate design corporate identity graphic design icon design illustration logo logo design logotype pattern product design typography vector visual design visual identity
    View Desbandada - Brand Identity Design
    Desbandada - Brand Identity Design
  12. XPRT mobile screens booking calendar chatbot healthcare home screen logo mobile mobile app mobile app design mobile design mobile ui payment method product design sign up ui ui design user experience user interface ux ux design
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    XPRT mobile screens
  13. XPRT's Health Map screens (II) design health app healthcare map mobile mobile app mobile app design mobile design mobile ui product design reviews ui ui design user experience user interface ux ux design web app web app design
    View XPRT's Health Map screens (II)
    XPRT's Health Map screens (II)
  14. XPRT's Health Map screens health app healthcare map map ui maps mobile mobile app mobile app design mobile design product design ui ui design user experience user interface ux ux design
    View XPRT's Health Map screens
    XPRT's Health Map screens
  15. XPRT AI chatbot: Symptom Checker artificial intelligence chat app chatbot health app healthcare medical app mobile mobile app design mobile design mobile ui product design ui ui design user experience user interface ux ux design
    View XPRT AI chatbot: Symptom Checker
    XPRT AI chatbot: Symptom Checker
  16. How to find a Doctor: Process booking booking app health health app healthcare mobile mobile app mobile app design mobile design mobile ui payment product design ui ui design uidesign user experience user interface ux ux design uxdesign
    View How to find a Doctor: Process
    How to find a Doctor: Process
  17. How to find a Doctor: XPRT screens appointment booking booking app booking system doctor app health health app health care healthcare mobile mobile app mobile app design mobile design mobile ui product design ui ui design user experience user interface ux ux design
    View How to find a Doctor: XPRT screens
    How to find a Doctor: XPRT screens
  18. XPRT: Sign up and Home screens health health app healthcare home screen homepage homepage design logo mobile app mobile app design mobile design mobile ui product design sign up sign up screen ui design uidesign user experience user interface ux design uxdesign
    View XPRT: Sign up and Home screens
    XPRT: Sign up and Home screens
  19. XPRT web app health app health care healthcare mobile mobile app mobile app design mobile design mobile ui product design ui ui design uidesign user experience user interface ux ux design uxdesign webdesign
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    XPRT web app
  20. FitWork's User Profile and Daily Challenge screens color palette fitness fitness app mobile mobile design mobile ui product design profile profile design profile page ui ui design uidesign user experience user interface user profile userinterface ux uxdesign uxui
    View FitWork's User Profile and Daily Challenge screens
    FitWork's User Profile and Daily Challenge screens
  21. FitWork wireframes evolution fitness fitness app high fidelity low fidelity mobile mobile app design mobile design mobile ui product design ui design uidesign user experience user interface ux ux ui ux design uxdesign uxui
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    FitWork wireframes evolution
  22. FitWork: scheduling a new workout color palette design fitness fitness app mobile app design mobile design mobile ui product design ui ui design uidesign uiux user experience user interface uxdesign
    View FitWork: scheduling a new workout
    FitWork: scheduling a new workout
  23. FitWork screens color palette design fitness fitness app fitness logo mobile app mobile app design mobile design mobile ui product design sign up sign up screen ui ui design user experience user interface ux ux design
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    FitWork screens
  24. FitWork mobile screens color palette design fitness fitness app logo mobile design mobile ui product design sign up ui ui design user experience user interface ux ux design
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    FitWork mobile screens
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