1. [Website - healthcare] Design for a full-service laboratory firm design figma healthcare minimal mockup prototype ui ux website wireframe
    View [Website - healthcare] Design for a full-service laboratory firm
    [Website - healthcare] Design for a full-service laboratory firm
  2. [Mobile App] UI/UX Design for Performance Management tool app design figma ios minimal mobile app design mobile design mockup prototype ui ux
    View [Mobile App] UI/UX Design for Performance Management tool
    [Mobile App] UI/UX Design for Performance Management tool
  3. [FinTech-SaaS] Data driven pricing application app design data driven interactive minimal pricing application prototype ui ux web app website
    View [FinTech-SaaS] Data driven pricing application
    [FinTech-SaaS] Data driven pricing application
  4. [Healthcare/Life-science] UI/X Design for DNA analysing tool app design minimal mobile app design mobile first prototype ui ux web application
    View [Healthcare/Life-science] UI/X Design for DNA analysing tool
    [Healthcare/Life-science] UI/X Design for DNA analysing tool
  5. Crypto NFT marketplace app design figma minimal prototype ui ux
    View Crypto NFT marketplace
    Crypto NFT marketplace
  6. [SaaS - Finance] UI/UX design for Tax Insider tool design figma mind map minimal prototype purple ui user research ux workflow
    View [SaaS - Finance] UI/UX design for Tax Insider tool
    [SaaS - Finance] UI/UX design for Tax Insider tool
  7. [E-learning] Meeting planner UI/UX design app design design figma minimal prototype ui user research ux web app website
    View [E-learning] Meeting planner UI/UX design
    [E-learning] Meeting planner UI/UX design
  8. [E-commerce] gift shop template UI design e commerce ui web design
    View [E-commerce] gift shop template UI design
    [E-commerce] gift shop template UI design
  9. Project Management Tool app app design design minimal project management tool prototype web web app website
    View Project Management Tool
    Project Management Tool
  10. [Responsive web design]UI/UX Design for the software development app design design figma illustration minimal prototype ui ux website
    View [Responsive web design]UI/UX Design for the software development
    [Responsive web design]UI/UX Design for the software development
  11. Toolkit for employee performance management adobe xd journey mapping prototype software design user research ux writing visual design
    View Toolkit for employee performance management
    Toolkit for employee performance management
  12. [E-commerce] craft coffee online shop animation concept animation animation design concept
    View [E-commerce] craft coffee online shop animation concept
    [E-commerce] craft coffee online shop animation concept
  13. [Social Networks] business platform for Android android design app design design figma minimal mobile app design mobile design mockup prototype ui user research ux wireframe
    View [Social Networks] business platform for Android
    [Social Networks] business platform for Android
  14. [Healthcare/SaaS] Patient data management application app design medical minimal prototype ui ux website
    View [Healthcare/SaaS] Patient data management application
    [Healthcare/SaaS] Patient data management application
  15. [Responsive web design] UI/UX for advertising platform app design design figma illustration minimal prototype ui ux website
    View [Responsive web design] UI/UX for advertising platform
    [Responsive web design] UI/UX for advertising platform
  16. [Mobile App] UI/UX Design for food delivery services app design figma food niche minimalstic design mobile app design prototype ui ux
    View [Mobile App] UI/UX Design for food delivery services
    [Mobile App] UI/UX Design for food delivery services
  17. [Landing page] UI/UX design for software promoting company figma ui ux webdesign website
    View [Landing page] UI/UX design for software promoting company
    [Landing page] UI/UX design for software promoting company
  18. [Admin panel - Dashboard] UI/UX for Kindergarten Admin Web App app design background art creative figma prototype ui ux vector web app
    View [Admin panel - Dashboard] UI/UX for Kindergarten Admin Web App
    [Admin panel - Dashboard] UI/UX for Kindergarten Admin Web App
  19. [E-commerce] Food niche website UI/UX design clean ui figma prototype redesign ui ux website
    View [E-commerce] Food niche website UI/UX design
    [E-commerce] Food niche website UI/UX design
  20. Online courses homepage concept concept figma prototype website design
    View Online courses homepage concept
    Online courses homepage concept
  21. [Presentation] Pitch deck design for an advertising agency pitch deck design presentation design ui
    View [Presentation] Pitch deck design for an advertising agency
    [Presentation] Pitch deck design for an advertising agency
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