1. Baby Tracker App baby baby tracker children design designthinking figma home locate location location tracker parents ui ui ux ui design user experience
    View Baby Tracker App
    Baby Tracker App
  2. Clothing Product Page branding cart clothing design designthinking dress ecommerce ecommerce shop fashion figma maroon online shopping product product page shopping shopping cart user experience
    View Clothing Product Page
    Clothing Product Page
  3. Clothing Product Page cart clothing design designthinking dress ecommerce ecommerce shop fashion figma product product page shopping shopping cart user experience web design
    View Clothing Product Page
    Clothing Product Page
  4. Login and Sign up screens of a dessert app design designthinking dessert donut donuts figma login design login page logo mobile mobile screens prototype register registration page sign in sign up ui user experience
    View Login and Sign up screens of a dessert app
    Login and Sign up screens of a dessert app
  5. Moody Birds birds blue chicken coral draw design green illustration illustrator logo mobile screen moods wallpaper
    View Moody Birds
    Moody Birds
  6. Idea of a mobile app design for Embark, Sri Lanka. aboutus adopt designthinking dog dogs invision logo mobile app mobile design paws pet pink splash splash screen splashscreen yellow
    View Idea of a mobile app design for Embark, Sri Lanka.
    Idea of a mobile app design for Embark, Sri Lanka.
  7. Empathy map blue design designthinking empathize empathy empathy map figma green lockdown single mother user experience ux ui uxresearch
    View Empathy map
    Empathy map
  8. Persona: A single mother in lockdown blue design designthinking empathize empathy figma green lockdown persona user experience user persona user research ux
    View Persona: A single mother in lockdown
    Persona: A single mother in lockdown
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