1. LSS.GG 2.0 - League of Legends Analytics Tool game league league of legends lol moba opgg summoner u.gg ui website
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    LSS.GG 2.0 - League of Legends Analytics Tool
  2. Maths.io - Mathematics E-Learning App animation courses geometry graphic design learn learning mathematics maths science statistics ui ux website
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    Maths.io - Mathematics E-Learning App
  3. Minimalist Portfolio Design clean colorpalette dribbble inspiration minimalist modern portfolio projects typography ui ux webdesign website work
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  4. Cryptolly: Crypto Banking Landing UI bank coins credit crypto exchange landing money payment ui website
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  5. Insight: Presentation Slide for a Pitch deck card corporate design info pitch presentation slide statement typography ui
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  6. Cloud-JAM! Music Collaboration App app cloud design music ui ux web webapp website
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  7. VurturaSynth - Synthesizer Product Page app arturia branding design graphic design landing page music product page shop synth synthesizer ui webpage website
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    VurturaSynth - Synthesizer Product Page
  8. Event.io, a virtual event planner for your musical performances app branding design music ui website
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    Event.io, a virtual event planner for your musical performances
  9. GO-DO Crypto: Wallet WebApp bitcoin crypto currency ethereum nft payment wallet web webapp
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  10. Metastudio Analytics - Analytic Tool for Metaverse Apps analytics app astronaut crypto metaverse space ui website
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    Metastudio Analytics - Analytic Tool for Metaverse Apps
  11. LSS.GG - League of Legends Simulator Webapp app design game gaming league of legends moba simulator ui website
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  12. Project Management Web App - Generate Invoices for employees agency website clean dashboard website header hero invoice landing ui management mobile landing page pay payment paypal project ui ui ux ux web design webapp website
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    Project Management Web App - Generate Invoices for employees
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