Daily UI #008 - 404 Page
Initial Thoughts:
When I initially started researching this UI challenge, I specifically remembered that there would be a 404-page design. I was anxiously awaiting that one as I needed to design a 404 page for my portfolio site. Needless to say, I took this opportunity to do just that.
This was more of a fun project for me, as I was the client and the designer. Also, I already had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do.
When I started sketching, I discovered I wanted to include a gif or something fun, to make the User feel less frustrated in the rare chance they find a 404 page.
I also included a “fix” button, that just refreshes the page, potentially making the User get some sort of gratification. Similar to the “door close” button in an elevator.
You can check out the live design here: https://www.kshogren.com/404
Although I am a huge proponent of attention to detail and taking all opportunities to inject your brand into a website, I wonder if a 404 page is worth the extra level of effort.
For my needs, I decided a quick gif and simple instructional language would suffice.
More about the design challenge: