Daily UI #019 - Leaderboard
Hey there :)
I'm back — has been a long time.
Just retaking the daily UI challenge to sharpen my skills a bit and put into play everything I have learned in these 3 years without being here. Last post was in 2021 (omg...).
So, here is the number 19: a leaderboard. In this case, in mobile format. Hope you like it!
So, long and deep text below...
Several years have passed. I've grown as a professional and as a person, developed my skills and continue to learn to be better.
I think three words sum me up very well in terms of design: order, cleanliness and neatness. I want everything to be to the point, simple and tidy. That's the key to success (for me).
I still have a long way to go but I look at my old designs and I notice how much I have grown and learned. That's the most important thing, isn't it?
I hope to keep this challenge and not abandon it as it happened before. In the meantime, you can visit my website, or you can tell me what you think of my designs.
Thanks for stopping by!