Magi Sketch
Magi is a character I have been drawing for a little while, I’ve wanted to make a game focusing on her for ages so today I am going to start. I’m going to be focusing on her design for a while and posting sketches and development stuff, I’ll probably do quite a few pencil drawings, digital paintings and maybe even some vector stuff too.
After that I want to make a 3D model, this is something I’ve done in the past but I am not necessarily going to be focusing on low poly this time. I also want to figure out how to get her hair to bounce using physics when she walks…
After that I want to get her working in Unity 5. I messed around with Unity 4 for a while about 10 months ago so I basically have to learn that again too :)
I’ll be posting updates and anything I learn along the way. Updates will be posted selectively here on dribbble and in their entirety on my blog : .