Re.Play - Party Music Player
Greetings people of Internet, this time I'd like to share one of my Music App design
[Re.Play] Backstory : I have this one (very cool) portable speaker that emit fancy led lights, and just like that isn't it cool if you mix the concept of led light and music app?
Ideas : An Music player app, with realtime auto sync lyrics for sing along, also can convert to party light (or slow ambience light if it's your sad hour of the day)
Execution : Clear minimalist main page with only basic command button and album art, Lyrics page with huge on-screen lyrics (now you can't misread the lyrics anymore) added with Lightshow button to 2 of light show choice, Party light that sync the blink with the beat of the song and Ambience that slowly change gradually between 2 color.
Note : Yes! I only used 2 color here, since the background color is adjusting from the album art majority color. Also the lyrics on the screen is TOTALLY WRONG, I use the intro while the slider is roughly at 30% of the song 🙄
Designed by MJ Layout : iPhone 7+, iPhone 8+ Design tools : Figma, Gif Editor _______ All the Icon used is taken from Iconify