Daily UI 002 - Credit Card Checkout Page
Day 2 of Daily UI. The prompt: design a credit card checkout page.
All elements that a user would be able to interact with are bright green. Text for fields where the user still needs to input a value, for example, are bright green instead of white.
Used a progress section to help guide the user along and prepare them for the next steps. The checkout form is pretty standard.
POINT OF CONTROVERSY: Got into a debate with a developer over the alignment of the price and # of items for the items in the cart. He thought they should be centered. My argument that, "It's product item multiplied by the number of items = the total price," did not hold up with him.
Already I would consider going back and centering it. Curious what others think if anyone is reading this! I don't think that it would be confusing to the user, but maybe it would look sloppy or unprofessional?