Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

This is a graphic I made for a web/mobile app I'm working on. The goal of the project is to help each user live a conscious and compassionate life.

- Simplify - What couldn't you live without? Eliminate everything else as much as possible and absorb the beauty of existence. Doing more with less unclutters the mind, creates more free time, reduces anxiety, improves mood, prevents pollution caused by reducing the need to harvest new raw materials; saves energy; reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change; helps sustain the environment for future generations; saves money; reduces the amount of waste that will need to be recycled or sent to landfills and incinerators; allows products to be used to their fullest extent.

- Realize - How can you be of service to society? Develop the necessary skills and relationships to survive and thrive. Today, we have access to the entirety of human knowledge and the ability to connect globally in seconds. Will we use these great tools to create a civilization built to last from the ground up or will we waste our potential away liking, tweeting, and following each other without looking closer at the world we are creating?

- Conserve - How much energy, money, and time can you save with your buying decisions? Little things done by a lot of people make a big difference. Conscious capitalism is the only model for society that accounts for planet, people, and profit simultaneously. Every conscious transaction helps reshape the 21st century economy. On a much deeper level, the only way to take power away from corporations that harm the planet, our minds, and bodies is to not support them or pay attention to them. Civil disobedience can bring down the mightiest empires without violence or suffering.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

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