Flower Shop Website I PSD Template
Flower shop website which is designed to sell premium boxed flowers and bouquets along with the additional presents.
Website stands out by its unconventional structure based on the gradual disclosure of the product using multi-step selection method. That was made with regarding on variability of the possible choices and the Hick’s Law which says: ”The time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices.”
It also can be noted by its modern, neutral and universal design. I refused to make the interface too feminine, as it often happens on the similar websites, so the users won’t have only romantic associations exploring it. Besides, many forget, that flower shop websites are mostly designed for target audience that consists of men (at least in Russia), so the user interface is appropriate.
All Photoshop layers are grouped, systematized and named in both English and Russian (there’re 2 versions).