1. Tasker - Landing Page for management and productivity platform admin panel animation branding charts clean dashboard homepage illustration landing page management minimal product design tasks web design
    View Tasker - Landing Page for management and productivity platform
    Tasker - Landing Page for management and productivity platform
  2. Tasks - Maddesign Figma UI KIT application b2b business crm dashboard list minimalistic notes platform productivity tasks to do ui ux web website
    View Tasks - Maddesign Figma UI KIT
    Tasks - Maddesign Figma UI KIT
  3. Virtus - Task Manager admin panel business intelligence dashboard goal tracking habit tracking productivity project planning and scheduling saas startup task management tasks team management team messaging time management tools time tracking to do list management ui ux web workflow workflow automation
    View Virtus - Task Manager
    Virtus - Task Manager
  4. Tasker - Management and productivity platform admin panel b2b charts clean dashboard management minimal platform product design saas task ui web design
    View Tasker - Management and productivity platform
    Tasker - Management and productivity platform
  5. Workly - CRM Dashboard admin panel business intelligence dashboard goal tracking habit tracking productivity project management project planning and scheduling startup task management tasks team management team messaging time management tools time tracking to do list management ui ux web workflow workflow automation
    View Workly - CRM Dashboard
    Workly - CRM Dashboard
  6. Quanta - Task manager admin panel business intelligence dashboard goal tracking habit tracking productivity project management project planning and scheduling startup task management tasks team management team messaging time management tools time tracking to do list management ui ux web workflow workflow automation
    View Quanta - Task manager
    Quanta - Task manager
  7. Tasks dashboard design homepage illustration interface ios iphone mobile news ui
    View Tasks
  8. Task Details - Productivity Web App calendar comments crm dashboard deadline discussion event files planner productivity tasks to do ui ux web website
    View Task Details - Productivity Web App
    Task Details - Productivity Web App
  9. Tasker - Branding for management and productivity platform admin panel afterglow brand identity branding clean logo management minimal product design tasks web design
    View Tasker - Branding for management and productivity platform
    Tasker - Branding for management and productivity platform
  10. Team Management UI Design Concept company profile dark mode design team employees management management app management task project management task task management team activity team page team settings team work teamly teams teamwork ui web web design
    View Team Management UI Design Concept
    Team Management UI Design Concept
  11. Task Manager Dashboard admin panel business intelligence dashboard goal tracking habit tracking productivity project management project planning and scheduling saas startup task management tasks team management team messaging time management tools time tracking to do list management web workflow workflow automation
    View Task Manager Dashboard
    Task Manager Dashboard
  12. Tasks Management Dashboard admin panel analytics analytics dashboard crm dashboard ui design management dashboard saas software task manager team team management team manager ui design ui ux web design website design website ui
    View Tasks Management Dashboard
    Tasks Management Dashboard
  13. Landing page for Task Manager App business intelligence goal tracking habit tracking landing page mobile app productivity project management project planning and scheduling startup task management tasks team management team messaging time management tools time tracking to do list management web webdesign workflow workflow automation
    View Landing page for Task Manager App
    Landing page for Task Manager App
  14. CRM Tasks SaaS Mobile App admin app design automation b2b business crm dashboard fintech management mobile operation product design projects saas sales software tasks ui ux web app
    View CRM Tasks SaaS Mobile App
    CRM Tasks SaaS Mobile App
  15. Quanta - CRM Dashboard admin panel business intelligence dashboard goal tracking habit tracking productivity project management project planning and scheduling startup task management tasks team management team messaging time management tools time tracking to do list management ui ux web workflow workflow automation
    View Quanta - CRM Dashboard
    Quanta - CRM Dashboard
  16. SyncPlus - Task Management Dashboard activity dashboard lead management planner planning productive productive dashboard project project management dashboard schedule task task management dashboard team teamwork dashboard to do dashboard to do list website work workspace
    View SyncPlus - Task Management Dashboard
    SyncPlus - Task Management Dashboard
  17. Trenning - Learner Homepage for a SaaS LMS course dashboard education education platform homepage learner learning management system learning path lms product design saas saas design staff training student team training ui ux web app web design wiki
    View Trenning - Learner Homepage for a SaaS LMS
    Trenning - Learner Homepage for a SaaS LMS
  18. Ganttify - Website Design animation clean design designer graphic design landing page motion graphics productivity saas ui ui8 uidesign ux uxdesign web app web design website design
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    Ganttify - Website Design
  19. My take on Notes app app lists lol minimal notes product productivity tasks web webapp wfh wtf
    View My take on Notes app
    My take on Notes app
  20. Picktime - Smart Meetings Platform SAAS appointments calendar conversations event home page landing page meeting platform meetings planning productivity project management saas scheduling tasks time management tools time track time tracking to do list uiux website design
    View Picktime - Smart Meetings Platform SAAS
    Picktime - Smart Meetings Platform SAAS
  21. Tasks avatar colors cursor dashboard design exploration drag figma icons illustration labels light mode product design profile saas tags tasks ui ux web wireframe
    View Tasks
  22. Team Management Dashboard UI Animation animation calendar collaboration collar cooperation dashboard dashboard animation interface animation management management dashboard product product animation remote saas team team management ui ui animation ux web
    View Team Management Dashboard UI Animation
    Team Management Dashboard UI Animation
  23. Trenning - Quiz List View in a SaaS Learning Management System course education education platform knowledge base learning management system lms product design question quiz saas saas design staff training student training ui uiux ux web app web design wiki
    View Trenning - Quiz List View in a SaaS Learning Management System
    Trenning - Quiz List View in a SaaS Learning Management System
  24. SaaS Dashboard app chat corporate corporate dashboard kanban product reports saas saas dashboard tasks web
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    SaaS Dashboard
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